Above: President of Everest Hospitality Lance Schaefer takes a look as construction progresses for what will become RiverWorks Coworking.

Last week marked a pivotal moment as the construction team from Kastner Construction, Inc. of Dixon took the first steps towards action and reshaping 114 E. Everett. St.  Despite the frigid weather, their unwavering dedication resulted in multiple dumpster fill-ups, showcasing their hardiness and commitment.

Amidst the echoes of hammers and the hum of collaboration, the space is gradually evolving through the construction. Flex desk areas, dedicated workstations, private offices, and a dynamic conference room are on the horizon, promising a diverse range of workspaces designed for innovation and collaboration.  It was a sight to behold watching these strong individuals in action and brave the elements of negative degree weather hauling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of debris to the dumpster outside.

The excitement is building as the vision materializes. Soon, the space will go beyond blueprints, becoming a tangible hub of productivity, creativity, and connection. As the finishing touches fall into place, we’re thrilled to invite you to experience the transformation firsthand.

Book a tour and witness the development for yourself. Step into a space that’s not just under construction, but on the cusp of becoming a vibrant ecosystem for professionals. The journey has commenced, and we’re eager to share it with you. Stay tuned for updates as we inch closer to the final reveal of RiverWorks Coworking‘s evolution at 114 E. Everett.